Although they are incredibly aggressive towards the player, they are somewhat easy to dodge– these patients litter the entire hospital, which keeps any player avoiding them on their toes. You take the form Half-corpses, doll-like mannequins, which is the Doctor’s creation. In addition to the teacher, the Hospital patients are some of the craziest additions to Little Nightmares. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t support Little Nightmares 2’s fright fest. Unfortunately, the Doctor is barely included in the gameplay, because the focus of the hospital is its patients. He is anyway much bigger than the kids and responsible for the hospital’s nightmarish appearance and half-corpse, half-mannequin patients. Unfortunately the Details of this character remain unclear due to the lighting of the area. The doctor is another besides the teacher slightly menacing but towering creature crawling on all fours across the floor and ceiling of the hospital. They steal Six from Mono, which explains why he enters the school in the first place. Mono is challenged to blend in with the kids by wearing a decapitated head as a mask, and explores how aggressive the school children are. You take the form Ceramic kids about the same size as Six and Mono, although they are significantly more aggressive and pose many threats to the player. The school children, also called bullies, dominate the entire school map.

She also has the ability to do so extend their necks to unusual lengthswhich worries some Intense close quarters chases throughout the game. The teacher seems to control the school children and has one strict attitude supported by her aggressive nature. The teacher is one of Little Nightmares’ most terrifying offeringsthat take on a sleek, washed-out look. Unfortunately, since there are some, it is assumed that he is alone no sign of life except Six at his house. the hunter is fascinated by taxidermy and is frequently seen skinning animals outside of Pale City. From here, the two must avoid his gaze to escape safely. The first challenge of the title will be a chase between the hunter and Mono & Six where Players must dive and dive to avoid bullets. The hunter is the first enemy players will encounter in Little Nightmares 2, and armed with a shotgun he’s a reasonably intimidating boss.

she is controlled by an AI for the entire game and is used as a support in most levels, helping Mono reach high places or spinning a wheel to lower a platform to ensure his safety. While Mono fights enemies head-on, Six seems to be the reason they are aggressive in the first place. Six is the supporting character for the title and accompanies Mono for most of the game. Compared to many of the game’s enemies, he is quite large and has no power over them. While it’s rare to catch a glimpse of the character’s face, especially since it’s been hidden under a paper bag for most of the title, that’s clear he is a small child. Mono is the protagonist and playable character from Little Nightmares 2. The following list contains all characters and a little bit about their attributes Little nightmares 2. Even the two main protagonists have an ominous atmosphere around thembut compared to the enemies within the confines of Pale City, they are not nearly as terrifying. While it’s easy to walk past each character, especially when you’re being hunted, a moment where you stop and admire each character shows just how disturbing their designs are. Nine central characters play important roles in Little Nightmares 2, each with their own haunting quirks and attributes.